Press and Media
2021 Super Lawyers, Florida / Miami, The Annual List of Top Attorneys, Top 100 Miami, Bradley H. Trushin, Chepenik Trushin LLP, Miami, August 2021

Chepenik Trushin LLP 2021 Live events and Charitable Causes - Miami Beach 1st Responders Recognition Breakfast and Fort Lauderdale HIV-AIDS Awareness Walkathon on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

Chepenik Trushin LLP 2021 staying visible and credible in our local communities.
Mr. Bart Chepenik, JD, LL M and Mr. Brad Trushin, Esq., Founders of Chepenik Trushin LLP, presented to the Florida Statewide Guardianship Association (FSGA) conference on July 19, 2019. The conference had 500 Honorable Florida Probate Judges, elder law attorneys, Probate and guardianship attorneys, Professional Guardians, Geriatric Care Managers, Patient Advocates, Alzheimer's/Parkinson's disease professionals and senior care experts attend. The program materials: Details matter, so don't blink an eye - Guardianship Litigation and the Interplay Between Proper Incapacity Planning, Administration, and Restoration of Rights: Special Issues for Fiduciaries in dealing with Complex Guardianship Issues. A live case study. 2019 FSGA 32nd Annual Conference, Miami, FL., July 18-20, 2019. CEU's were provided.
Model Final Order on Suggestion of Capacity
Bart Chepenik spoke to 50 financial professionals (CFP's, CFA's, Investment bankers). Practical approaches to incapacity planning; financial advisor-client privilege, attorney-client privilege, accountant-client privilege, incapacity standards, trustee selection and use of trust protectors were covered. Financial Planners Association - Miami chapter, January 23, 2019, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
Bradley H. Trushin, Esq. was selected to the 2021 Florida Super Lawyers listing for Estate and Trust Litigation. This is his sixth year in a row receiving this honor from his peers.
Bart H. Chepenik, JD, LL M was selected to the 2021 Florida Super Lawyers listing for Estate Planning and Probate Administration. This is the third year in a row receiving this honor from his peers.

Brad Trushin recognized for his commitments to law, professionalism and ethics
Chepenik Trushin LLP won a decisive victory in the probate litigation case, Samuel H. Hall, Jr., et al. v. Elsa Emily Hall, in both the Miami probate court (13-1424) and in the Third District Court of Appeal (3D15-12). Not only did Chepenik Trushin LLP prevail in a case that involved both Florida and U.S. Virgin Island law against an opposing party that was represented by both Florida and Virgin Island attorneys, but Chepenik Trushin LLP also obtained an award of Attorney's fees for their client pursuant to a U.S. Virgin Island statute. When the opposing party appealed, Chepenik Trushin LLP provided the appellate court a detailed explanation of how the opposing party misapplied both the facts and law. This caused the appellate court to issue a stern rebuke to the opposing party in the order affirming the trial court victory:
"Ordinarily the appellate phase of this intra-family dispute-launched by the appellants against a logical and equitable program of lifetime gifts and transfers after death by a mother of four and grandmother of three-would be consigned to 'a quiet interment in the form of a PCA.' We affirm, and write only to reiterate a fundamental tenet of appellate advocacy... The 'light most favorable' is not a reference to a Florida sunrise. The appellants are obligated to provide a statement of facts and to interpret the evidence in the light most favorable to sustaining the conclusions of the finder of fact..."
See this link for more legal details.
On June 22, 2017, the Supreme Court of Florida and its' Commission on Professionalism and Civility appointed Bradley H. Trushin, Esq. as Co-Chair of a sub-committee of four attorneys and two judges to review current professionalism standards and consider if an adequate consolidated summary could be prepared for publication and use.

Bart Homans Chepenik, J.D., LL.M., on behalf of the 2017 Dade County Bar Association, we are delighted to inform you that your legal colleagues have overwhelmingly nominated you as a Legal Luminary finalist in the category of "Probate & Estate Planning".

Recognition to Brad Trushin for his leadership and work on the DCBA board and committee leadership.

Bradley Trushin has been selected to serve on the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Professionalism Panel.
Getting Paid: Alternative Fee Structures & Ethical Issues
Brad Trushin, Esq. will be covering probate, guardianship and adversaries as a probate law guru. Chepenik Trushin LLP stays in front of the cutting edge legal matters, trends, so that our clients have the best opportunities to prevail.
Professionalism and civility on display in South Florida
The Dade County Bar presented a recent seminar, "Climb the Pillars to Success by Fitting Professionalism into the Profession," featuring a keynote speech by Florida Supreme Court Justice Fred Lewis, the author of the Supreme Court's opinion that established Florida's Code of Professionalism and the Florida Circuit Professionalism Panels.
DCBA Board Member Bradley Trushin, who was recently appointed to the Florida Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, produced the seminar because he said many Florida lawyers are not aware that the Florida Supreme Court has established mandatory professionalism rules and a mechanism for ensuring compliance. The seminar, he said, was designed as a first step in creating a new paradigm in which professional behavior is universally expected among lawyers, and lawyers zealously protecting the integrity of their profession.
Fitting Professionalism into the Profession: Do You Know the Rules?
By Bradley Trushin
The Supreme Court of Florida has a message for the “power players” who practice by obstruction and engage in unprofessional conduct: we have rules and you need to follow them. “Rules? What rules?” Yes, the Supreme Court has mandatory professionalism rules that are binding on all Florida lawyers. And there are now Professionalism Panels in place to address violations of the rules, and where necessary, refer the matter to The Florida Bar for discipline. Lawyers practicing in Miami-Dade County must also comply with local rules of professionalism and civility. “Local rules? What local rules?”

Mr. Josh Williams being sworn in by Miami Dade County Judges

Brad Trushin coordinating the October 2016 DCBA Probate education seminar and speaking with Honorable Judge Muir

Chepenik Trushin LLP, N Miami, FL was proud to host Honorable FL Supreme Court Justice R. Fred Lewis, Esq

Chepenik Trushin LLP hosts Dade County Bar Association, prominent lawyers, FL Judges and Honorable FL Supreme Court Justice Fred Lewis, Esq.

Legal Luminaries 2016 in Miami - Congratulations on winning the category "Estate Planning and Probate"

Chepenik Trushin LLP law firm attending Miami Dade County Bar Association 100th annual Gala in Miami, FL

Brad getting inducted - way to go Brad! Emulation of "Innovation, Integrity, proven Results"

Miami Dade Bar gala 2016

Ms. Martha M Leighton, Miami Dade Bar gala

Miami Beach Chamber gala 2016 - Mr. Leighton, Ms. Melissa Rubin, Realtor, Platinum Properties

LMA South Florida City Group Leadership Peter C Leighton, Chepenik Trushin, learning, taking copious notes on how to connect law firms
Chepenik Trushin LLP attorneys accepted into the Florida Fellows Institute of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Our esteemed Partner attorneys were accepted into Class II of the esteemed Florida Fellows Institute of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.
The Florida Fellows Institute was created by Florida ACTEC Fellows to develop the profession's future leaders in trust and estate law through a series of in-depth educational presentations led by outstanding subject matter experts in each field from across the United States of America.
The institute includes three, two-day sessions for lawyers who were nominated by a Florida ACTEC Fellow and selected through a competitive application process. The program begins in November 2016 and concludes in May 2017.
The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel is a national organization of lawyers elected to membership by demonstrating the highest level of integrity, commitment to the profession, competence and experience as trust and estate counselors.